Zappitec Electrical Conductivity Meter for Copper and Aluminum Alloys - %IACS Calculator

Metal Conductivity and Resistivity Conversion Calculator

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Conductivity Table of selected pure metals

MetalElectrical Conductivity
Silver (Ag) 99.99+% 108.6
Copper (Cu) 99.99+% 102.7
Gold (Au) 99.99+% 77.9
Aluminium (Al) 99.99+% 65.1
Zinc (Zn) 99.99+%29.2

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Conductivity and Resistivity

The unit of resistivity in the International System of Units (SI) is the ohm-meter or Ω.m
For electrical conductivity the Siemens per meter is used, symbolized by S/m.
Conductivity is the inverse of resistivity. If we represent conductivity by σ(Greek sigma) and resistivity by ρ(Greek rho) their relation is given by: σ = 1 / ρ.
The nanoOhm-meter nΩ.m (billionths of ohm-meter) is customarily used to express resistivity in metals. For conductivity the MegaSiemens per meter MS/m (millions of Siemens per meter) is the unit of choice.
The conductivity unit %IACS is also often used. The main advantage of %IACS over MS/m is that %IACS implies measurements at 20°C (293K or 68°F) while MS/m does not specify temperature. This makes %IACS especially useful for material comparison.

100 %IACS is equivalent to 58 MS/m.

Our Electrical Conductivity Testers automatically display the conductivity readings at 20°C even when measurements are made at different ambient temperatures.